Thursday, May 5, 2011

Anime Review III: Yami No Matsuei [Descendants of Darkness]

[Top picture, plot summary, genres, themes, and objective content all go to]

Plot Summary: Even after death, life is full of paperwork and criminals. Tsuzuki Asato is a 26 year old, happy-go-lucky, and dorky shinigami (god of death) whose job is to makes sure that those who are dead remain dead and stay in their proper realms. Even though he's had this job for over 70 years, he is in the worst division with horrible pay. He also has a knack for not keeping partners (since shinigami work in pairs), but now he seems to have one that will stick around; stubborn, smart-mouthed, serious and defensive 16 year old, Kurosaki Hisoka. With each case they investigate, they come closer to the conspiracies of the serial killer Dr. Muraki Kazutaka. Tsuzuki's relationship with Hisoka is growing stronger and closer...but there is a dark past to how Tsuzuki died that will not give him peace.
Genres: comedy, horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural
Themes: bishounen, shinigami, yaoi
Objectionable content: Significant (bloody violence and/or swearing and/or nudity)
Review [Contains little to no spoilers]:
As I was shifting through my anime list, I came across an old favorite that people keep telling me to watch. I looked at the description and the actor's list and.... wait for it...  DAN GREEN voices in it. I just had to watch the dubbed version because of that (don't worry anime fans, I went back and watched the subbed. Watch the subbed, i liked the dubbed but that is because I'm in love with some of the voice actors. I would recommend subbed for anyone though). As I watched this I thought to myself: "way to go Ion, pick another innuendo filled yaoi show". I realized that my last two reviews contained that material. I swear I don't only watch yaoi/shounen-ai!
Err... okay! Now on to the review!
I loved this series because it was in arks so it's much easier to explain it to you guys without spoiling much.
The first thing that pops up every time is the opening. This one to be exact:
Does it make you want to watch it now?
Anyway! The first thing you really see is this guy:
This is fun-loving Tsuzuki. He has many faces that are just to die for
He can be an goof ball at times and has an extreme sweet tooth but he isn't all that bad (he is voiced by Dan Green)... well... maybe you should ask all his old partners... you know, the ones who left because they couldn't stand being with him?
Everything seemed to look bad for Tsuzuki until...
Well.. er... that wasn't exactly what I was thinking of.
Oh! Meet his new partner, Hisoka

He has a knack for trying to act like the "cool guy" (thinking of Sasuke from Naruto: you are in the ballpark) which caused Tsuzuki and him some tension for a while. (He is voiced by the same guy who did Gaara in the English version, doesn't even sound remotely the same but just telling you as a fun fact)
Oh... and failed to mention about Hisoka's "little" gift

He is somewhat like an empath and when people touch him he usually feels the emotions--and sometimes sees their past--of whomever dared to touch the guy. Then with his shinigami powers Hisoka would hurt them. TAKE THAT PEDOPHILE!
Er.... okay. Went a little too far there.
This ark is called "Vampire's Lure". I didn't make this one up. The DVD clearly says that. See, right here... oh wait... this is text. Oopies.
In this ark you see this girl:
And this ark is called Vampire's Lure so I'll leave you to your imagination.
And don't forget this guy:

Stare at him long and hard kids, this man is mucho important.

And with that the ark is pretty much done.

Oh wait... failed to mention a little detail. See there are 3 episodes per ark and usually the whole point of the ark gets done in the first episode. The rest, well, I wouldn't call it "filler" but this is were you get to learn about the two main character's personalities and background.

Oh and blood

And rape

Yeahhhh see... not so bad.

Well! I think I should head into the next ark~ This one is called "Devil's Song". This has all to do with a boy who just happens to stick around for the whole ark (good for him!).

Now this guy may look scary but he isn't all that bad

Well....... um....
But to all of my shounen-ai fans that go "uh, so where is the fluffy?", you've come to the right ark. But it isn't who you would think my friends.

Oopies. Wrong picture. ... What? Did you really think that was the romance? ... Hmm.... Can't really picture it... maybe if I squint--
That's the picture I am looking for! Okay. So see this? Ha. You thought it would be Hisoka and Tsuzuki. Nope. Tsuzuki is still channeling his pedo-ness but at the wrong boy. Come on now Tsuzuki get in the game!
Still this boy sticks around, kind of falling for Tsuzuki in the mean time (I wonder if Hisoka ever expressed rage. I would have punched that boy in the face and went: HISOKA RAGE! oh and this about "Tsuzuki is min blah blah blah blah")
Aw. Cute. Gag.
Anyway! The next ark! It's called "Tarot Curse" and it wouldn't be complete with out, oh, let's say TAROT CARDS!

See? And you thought I was lying. xD

And death

That is a ripped up body hanging from the ceiling... gross right?
And, wait for it....
(Okay, seriously, what am I on?)
And in this ark you meet even more random people that no one cares about. And if all of you were upset that Tsuzuki got a little action in the last ark, leaving are young Hisoka hanging well then you guys are in luck. In this ark Hisoka seems to get a little close to someone
A girl?!?! HUBFKSJFKWJEFBWEKJFBWKJFB okay! Whatever Hisoka. Stay straight!
A lot of death, blood, cards, money and mystery gets swirled into this ark making it one of my favorites.
In this ark, though Hisoka is having a little romance with a girl, Tsuzuki and him get closer, making for one crying "aw" moment.
Not as good as a Kodak moment but still pretty nice.

Next ark, the last one!, is "Demon's Reckoning". Now I can't even explain this ark to you guys. Not in the least. I will ruin basically the whole ending. There is a few hints I could give you though:

There is something with this creep.

And this one.

And what is with this picture?

Wait what? Is that a... head floating there?

As you can see I can't really say much. Me showing you these pictures is pure blasphemy already. I just have to warn you that I cried twice during this ark and it takes a lot to make me cry.

There are explosions and death (?)

With the closing moments of the show I sobbed, getting really upset at what might be the outcome. When the anime was all said and done, I turned towards the manga since the anime was a little open ended... alright A LOT open ended. It just so happens that the manga stopped. I believed the artist got into a car accident and broke their wrist, they tried drawing again but they just couldn't draw the same. I cry on the inside when I think about it, never knowing the end, but then my mind just makes one up and I'm a little happy.
Now, in conclusion, Yami No Matsuei is an original anime that isn't as famous as it should be. I felt like even if the art was a little poor this anime was top notch.
It had a lot of action:
A lot of blood

And of course implied shounen-ai

Im... plied....?

Uh! Well. I should just... leave.... *cough*
All in all I give this anime a 9 out of 10. Such a nice, new, refreshing plot and very nice voices for the Japanese version.
The blondie in the anime also voiced James from the original Pokemon series
Till next time!

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