Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome to my World...

So, randomly scanning different blogs about health, live, and love and you just happened to stumble ungracefully to mine? Congradulations! Welcome to my blog. Sit down--wait, you must be sitting down already, right?--grab that cup of coffee and enjoy.

Most wonder when they look at the title. Then their eyes look at the discription. Then are thinking what I think every time I look at another blog: "what makes this so unique"?
It's like I'm selling a car here and it makes me all giddy thinking about it. I'm a funny gal, I think, and I hope to share laughs with you--er, that sounds weird since you can't see me. I have many stories to tell and many opinions on things.

This blog is random. Like crack. xD But have no fear!

Since this is the first post (ooooo, computer text!) I will explain a few things about myself:

Name: Ion Vesche
Age: 18
Status: Single and loving it
School: Some random one
Major: Forensic Science
Sexual Orintation: Bisexual

Hope you enjoy my life~

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